Friday, May 20, 2005

And Another One Bites the Dust?

An account of last Tuesday's London meeting, seemingly mainly attended by those most responsible for the general election fiasco is now circulating amongst Veritas members .

On the important point of the South Staffordshire by election it says there was discussion but no decision.

Other than that it says very little, although it confirms our earlier postings on this blog that few of the party's original steering committee were in attendance and its conclusions, had any been reached, would therefore have been of doubtful legitimacy.

In true New Labour 'spin-speak' however the report from Michael Harvey does state the following:

Inaugural Party Conference/Business Meeting
There was a discussion about the timing of a Meeting of all Party members. This would not be an AGM (the financial year end is laid down in law for all political parties as 31st December) ......

I suggest party members should not jump to the intended conclusion from this truly weasly wording - namely that an AGM is only possible on New Year's Eve. The accounts can be closed on 31st December but a Party Conference to rid ourselves of the apparant charlatans who have now seized control of what was supposed to have been a new and honest force in UK politics could be held at any time. Those attending on Tuesday, however, considered that party democracy should continue to be further suspended for several more months.

While it has been made clear the detail of what was discussed at this supposed authoritiative meeting is strictly for distribution among party members only, I see no reason why the wider euro-sceptic movement should not have the names of those who attended and (some it appears not for the first time) have helped to once again manage to destroy an attempt at forming a straightforward and honest political movement to restore sovereignty to Westminster and democracy to the British people.

Shame upon the those most senior attendees who have colluded in bringing this about:

Present at the meeting: Damian Hockney (Deputy Leader), John de Roeck (Party Treasurer), Michael Harvey (Party Secretary), David Soutter (Chief of Staff/National Campaign Manager), Patrick Eston, Ashley Merry (National Press Officer), Daniel Moss (London Press Officer), Geoff Lover (West Mids Regional Campaign Manager), Alan Ainscow (NW RCM), David Davies (NE RCM), Harry Cichy (Eastern Region Press Officer), Catherine Cracknell (on behalf of SW RCM).

Unable to attend: Robert Kilroy-Silk (Leader), Richard Vass (Chairman), John Burke (National Agent), Alex Stevenson (East Mids RCM), Alan Eastwood (SW RCM), David Shipley (Eastern RCM).

We will be providing a Who's Who of the backgrounds of the senior attendees as is availabe on the internet over the next few days.

After that, if not now, you will surely be asking, as I am tonight, what right have such people to deprive the Veritas general party members of any say?


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