Monday, May 16, 2005

London City Hall Meeting 17th May 2005

While I cannot pretend to be aware of all that is now happening within the party I helped to found, ( once proudly but now almost shamefacedly holding Veritas Membership Number 003) I nevertheless hear enough (in spite of having been excluded from most party email circulation lists) to be deeply concerned.

The meeting tomorrow at City Hall, London looks set to confirm the distance travelled from both the party's founding members and its founding principles.

It was at a Steering Committee meeting held at Beel House on 9th January this year, where the plans of many weeks really set the wheels in motion for the launch of a new, truthful and democratic party. Thirteen of us were at that meeting.

Of those thirteen I know of only one who will attend tomorrow's meeting in London and that is David Soutter. Certainly the majority from that January meeting will not be there according to the latest e-mails I have received. I hope a report will be available for this blog where the exact attendance can be verified, but in view of the small numbers who look like attending that cannot be relied upon.

What can have occurred in a party that started with such high hopes in such a few short months? One wierd view has been put forward today in the public section of the Veritas Party Forum by a poster called 'Wigeon'. Read it by clicking here.

Shortage of funds as argued therein, however, cannot answer all the queries over what has occurred and even more what will occur tomorrow. Not by a long way - how about these considerations:

What legitimacy will tomorrow's meeting carry?

Why are so many of those who travelled great distances and exerted such efforts to get the party going no longer inclined to attend more meetings?

Where is the Party Constitution?

Why is there no date yet set for a meeting of all the members?

Why has no investigation been opened into the various failures during the campaign?

Shortage of funds answers none of these points!

The only hope for the Party will be for tomorrow's meeting to address the points above AND then tackle the outstanding disputes over printing liabilities, courier costs etc., by the three, hardly impoverished senior members of the party namely the Leader, Deputy Leader and Chairman agreeing to underwrite the disputed amounts pending a full inquiry as to where the liabilities properly lie.


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