Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Veritas Candidates rescue Ruth Kelly

The report may be read from this link to The Times Online, linked here.

"Ian Upton, the Bury North candidate for Robert Kilroy-Silk's party, Veritas, says that it was he and Mike Ford, the Veritas candidate for Mrs Kelly's seat of Bolton West, who rescued her.

"These two guys came over and practically rugby-tackled her, she nearly fell to the ground," said Mr Upton.

"One really had a hold of her and was ragging her around like nothing, it was awful to see. She was quite shaken in fact.

She complained afterwards that her wrists had been marked. "I was in the front row of the audience and got up first. It was a split-second decision. I put him in a head lock. Mike Ford got hold of the other guy with the handcuffs, and then one of Ruth's aides came to help and they were ejected from the building."

This version of events is backed up by the minister of St John's, the Rev John Howard-Norman, 47, who was leading the candidates onto the stage. He identified Mr Ford as one of the men who rescued Mrs Kelly."


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